Happy Monday! If you missed it, I was posting like crazy all weekend and even have another post today (hint: it’s my late fall home tour so you don’t want to miss it)! I’ve got a lot planned this week, as well, so look forward to some heavy posting.
Once again, it was another busy weekend. My husband and I decided to take Friday off together, and I’ve pretty much decided three-day weekends are life-changing. You can still have some lazy time but I find I get so much more done!
One of the biggest things I did this weekend was to update my “Shop” tab on the blog. You can now access “Shop Our Home” where I have clickable images to items that are still available in stores.
Thursday night I had a hair appointment, and I always say it is my favorite day in any six-eight week window (in this case it was probably closer to ten weeks). I had four inches chopped off and fresh highlights and I feel like a new woman!
Friday morning I did some carpet cleaning. You can read more about it in this post (plus there’s a really great giveaway if you haven’t already entered)!
We then had a late lunch at Roja (one of our favorite Mexican restaurants), ran a bunch of errands and then watched Trainwreck. Honestly, we were pretty disappointed based on how funny everyone said it was. I felt like it was just okay.
On Saturday, I worked on no less than ten blog posts. It may be the most proactive I’ve ever been, but with Thanksgiving quickly approaching it needed to be done! Needless to say, look for daily posting from me for the next week or two (and in some cases – two posts a day)!
We hung my new Lindsay Letters canvas in the stairwell Saturday night, and in the wake of the horrible attacks in Paris, it was a telling reminder that He is always with us even in tragic times. I’m excited to see this every time we go up and down our stairs each day.
This was Henley’s preferred method to watch us hang the canvas. My little inmate. I mean, she really couldn’t be any cuter if she tried. Oh, and have I mentioned my railing needs to be painted a real white recently? And I need to actually finish painting the walls surrounding said railing 😉
Sunday morning my husband made french toast and it was amazing. If you’re looking for the best ever syrup recipe (I promise I’m not exaggerating), you have to try this homemade buttermilk syrup recipe.
I started adding some Christmas decor to our home this weekend, mostly because things are really busy with the Thanksgiving holiday and I have a few Christmas home tours lined up. I started with finishing my living room pillows on Sunday morning. They look almost identical to these navy and green beauties. The biggest difference is I bought my fabric at the fabric store and sewed four myself. In addition to the four plaid pillows I sewed, I ordered two more of these navy velvet pillow covers (I used two in my fall home tour and love them) as well as four of these green velvet pillow colors (I hope the color is better in real life, like the navy are). The price really can’t be beat!
Sunday evening, I got our mantle garland up and I’m still grinning with how much I love the Christmas tree in our living room, now in combo with the mantle lights.
Next up, I started to update our guest bedroom with some Christmas touches. I think you’ll love the rest of the changes too that I’ll share in my upcoming tours. In the meantime, here is the status quo (you can read more about it in this post).
Most of my family Christmas lists were coming due shortly, so I wrapped mine up this weekend. I always have the hardest time adding things to my list. I find that I either just buy things as I need them or I continue to ‘save for later’ in my online shopping carts. Here is the combined list I gave to both sets of inlaws:
Chalk Markers (I’ve used all of my white up)
Tripod (Mine is entirely too wobbly)
Lululemon Scarf (my sister-in-law got this last year and I have wanted one since – so versatile!)
Cupcakes & Cashmere At Home book
Scarf Hanger (kind of a no-brainer at $5.99)
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Hunger Flames and/or Wine Stock
I also added the requisite gift cards to HomeGoods, Starbucks and J.Crew
My list to my husband is simply my dream camera. It likely won’t happen, but a girl can dream, right?! Anyone own this own that could give me feedback? Have you completed your wish lists yet?
Sunday night we drove around looking at houses. Family: do NOT panic – we are NOT moving again! We’ve had more and more conversations lately about whether it not it makes sense to try and start buying some rental properties. The one we currently have our eye one is actually the same floor plan as our very first house. I’m probably a bit too sentimental in the fact that I think it would be so fun to own the “same” house again! Ideally, we’d like our first one to be something that isn’t a fixer upper, but down the road once we gain experience in the whole rental world, I could see us trying a fixer upper (just think of all the fun blog content that would provide)! I’ll keep you posted. It’s a big step for us, and since we aren’t in any hurry, we want to make sure we find the right one at the right price. Do any of you have experience with rental homes? Any advice in what to look for as far as the homes go?
Lastly, today is the last day to enter by Barnes & Noble giftcard giveaway. Additionally, I added a new giveaway yesterday that you need to check out!
Talk about a random post. Like I said – I’m pretty productive on three day weekends 😉 I hope you all had a great weekend!
If you would like to follow along on more of my home decor, DIY, lifestyle, travel and other posts, I’d love to have you follow me on any of the following:
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disclosure: some affiliate links used in this post
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