Our furniture is m.i.a. I don’t know if I mentioned previously but I sold my old couch and loveseat as well as our sectional on our main floor on Craig’s List. I had never used it before and was pleasantly surprised ~ plus we made over $1100!! The guy that bought the sectional picked it up while I was gone so I came home from Minnesota to this. I was laughing so hard I had to take a picture ~ I don’t know what is funnier ~ that fact that the husband is watching TV from a dining chair or the fact he pulled up a chair so Bearcat could sit with him too:
I called Nebraska Furniture Mart yesterday and they still say our furniture is supposed to be ready the “latter part of August”. I am pretty sure 8/24 would fall into that category…hopefully it gets here soon!
No picture of the next item but hubby woke up Saturday morning to crashes and bangs in our kitchen. It turns out Hawkeye was leaping all over the place chasing a cicada (which we assume got it when the couch was being loaded out of our house). The husband had to chase Hawkeye to get the huge bug out of his mouth and he said the wings were still flapping because it was trying to get away. Nasty! I am glad it was him that had to deal with that one!
He also took this hysterical pic of Bearcat on his Blackberry while I was away. Bearcat has a tendency to clean himself when he is tired. This time he was so tired he forgot to put his tongue back.
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