Okay, so my birthday isn’t for almost two weeks {9/6 for those of you that need a reminder 🙂 } but, the best birthday gift EVER arrived today. My new camera {Canon Rebel} arrived and I almost didn’t go back to work after I came home for lunch because I just wanted to play with it all day! I know I am a nerd, but it is the coolest thing EVER and I don’t even really know how to use it yet. The possibilities will be endless once I know what I am actually doing!
So, between lunchtime and when I came home tonight I took photos for 2 hours of pretty much anything and everything (lots of junk around the house, the cats, and our one tree branch that thinks it is fall) because the husband isn’t home and I just had to find stuff to pose for me. I LOVE how I can focus on one item and make the background blurry (see the two shots with the picture frames and mirror with the different focal points). Here are some examples of what I took today:
P.S. Besides having the best camera ever, I also have the best husband ever for letting me get the camera I really wanted. Although, I know he is happy about that fact that he doesn’t have to mow the lawn any more this summer after this whole deal went down…
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