I found out last Thursday that one of the events for my work trip next week {NAILBA, which is basically the biggest event of the year for everyone in the individual insurance industry – 1,500? people or so} involves a black tie dinner. The comment was made in passing and I was like, BLACK TIE?!? This was nowhere in the agenda or any of the meeting details. I have no problem with black tie events – in fact, I usually love dressing up – but can you imagine my shock/horror/rage if I showed up in my business casual or suit for the event?
So, last Friday I did a little shopping and ended up with three dresses – thankfully there were some amazing clearance items! I wouldn’t consider items that weren’t cheap and dark colored so I was slightly limited in options. So here are the contenders and I need your help deciding which is age appropriate, yet professional, yet still cute/fun. I’m at a loss. The photos don’t do any of these justice but there were a lack of photos online of each.
#1 – $23 {usually $120} – really simple – falls just below the knee – main advantage is that it is made of that jersey knit that is great to travel with
#2 – $33 {usually $240} – mine is in the color “gunmetal” {not navy like below} – which is a dark charcoal grey – this is by far my favorite but is the deep neck way too much/trashy? I even thought about sewing a lace panel in to cover a little? Keep in mind I don’t have much in the way of cleavage so we are dealing pretty much with what the model below has {okay, really even less}.
#3 – $86 {usually $170} – the leading contender because I feel it may blend in better – the downside is that it was the most expensive and is much more form fitting than the other two – but I love the black lace
#4 – any other alternatives that you know of?
I decided to give spray tanning a go since I hate how I look in dresses like this when I am pasty and I have {hopefully} given up tanning beds for life. It was all good until there was an incident with my hands the last round – they look a little oompa-loompa-ish but I am hopeful it will fade by next week 🙂 I am also hoping to get a little pool time the day I arrive at what looks like to be an amazing resort {The JW Marriott in Desert Ridge, AZ}.
Please vote – which one do I wear?!? If you would like to be extra diligent in your decision, here is a link to some of last year’s photos. You’ll notice not everyone is truly in “black tie” so it may help your decision.
I think this is one work trip I will definitely be toting a camera around for! In addition to the great meetings and speakers {last year they had George W. Bush!} there will also be tons of fun events, like Mutual of Omaha’s equestrian event held here. This is a pretty hardcore meeting/event so I am anxiously awaiting its arrival!
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