Finally our Cooper bed has arrived and I also received a birthday gift!
In other news, my husband gave me my birthday present yesterday – a week early! It had arrived that day and I love that he didn’t make me wait to open the present. I am NOT a patient person! I was totally shocked – he pulled it from my “not in this lifetime” birthday list. The note with it was so cute – he said I did deserve it in this lifetime! I even tweeted how much I loved the jacket and Two Penny Blue re-tweeted me and sent me a birthday greeting and said my husband was a sweetie! I couldn’t agree more! And how amazing/darling is the eye catching packaging?!?
Although it is spring/summer-ish with the mint color and linen herringbone, I plan to wear it this fall. Again with the no-patience thing, I know there is no way I can wait until 2013 to wear this bad boy. I LOVE it!!
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